英国正版365官方网站与卡迪夫大学合作开设的暑期全英文课程《人工智能和深度学习导论》于2022年8月2日至8月9日顺利举行,本次授课为该课程第二次开课。课程每天17:00-19:00以线上教学模式开展授课,授课对象主要为公司2020级和2021级本科生。英国卡迪夫大学电气工程学院Yulia Hicks教授担任本课程主讲教师,公司张国忠教授组建助教团队负责学业辅导以及教学管理,学院共有32名本科生参与学习。
附:Yulia Hicks教授简介
Yulia Hicks (Senior Member, IEEE) is currently a Senior Lecturer in computer vision and machine learning with Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K, where she is the Co-Chair of the AI and Robotics Cross-disciplinary Theme at the School of Engineering and the IROHMS Working Group on Ethical and Explainable AI and is a Co-Director of the Human Factors Technology Lab—an interdisciplinary research lab between the Schools of Engineering, Computer Science, and Psychology. Over the course of her career, she attracted research council and industrial funding for projects in the areas of multimodal signal processing, statistical modeling, and medical image processing in a variety of modalities (X-ray, ultrasound, EEG, and MRI data).